We have a close relationship with Gormandale Uniting Kindergarten and offer an extensive transition program.
Kinder to prep transitions are offered throughout term 3 & 4. Term 3 is a focus on 'trying out' transition and term 4 has a focus on 'getting set for prep’. Transition sessions are typically scheduled for an afternoon with a focus on building our incoming prep’s connection and confidence to school.
A state-wide transition day is held on the second Tuesday in December at the end of the year. This day coincides with a school wide transition day where children will meet their teachers and classes for the following year. On this day, our year 6’s attend their nominated secondary school and our kinder students attend until 1:30.
Our 6/7 transition opportunities are dependent on your nominated high school. All 6/7 transition sessions are fully supported by our grade 6 teaching staff.
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